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Fake News Twitter

Fake news or junk news is a type of yellow journalism or propaganda that consists of deliberate disinformation or hoaxes spread via traditional print and broadcast news media or online social media. The term is also at times used to cast doubt upon legitimate news from an opposing political standpoint a tactic known as the lying press.

Officials at twitter acknowledged that easy access to fake followers and the companys slowness in responding to the problem had devalued the influence accumulated by legitimate users sowing.

Fake news twitter. Working for you in the huntingtoncharleston tv market. The suspensions and shutdowns were part of a concerted effort by twitter to clear. Twitter has shut down up to 70 million fake and suspicious accounts since may according to the washington post.

This is part of a coordinated campaign to create fake accounts in an attempt to troll and discredit anti fascist activists. The false information is often caused by reporters paying. Twitter has sharply escalated its battle against fake and suspicious accounts a major shift to lessen the flow of disinformation on the platform according to data obtained by the washington post.

Fake antifa twitter accounts are trolling people and spreading misinformation. One of the biggest losers seems to have been twitters own primary account at twitter which shed 75 million fake accounts to drop 12 thursday from 6285 million earlier in the morning to 55. How a misinformed twitter post the night after the presidential election fueled a nationwide conspiracy theory and became a talking point even as it was being proved false.

This cycle of journalists researchers and others spotting with the simplest of search queries hoaxes and fake news long before the platforms themselves repeats itself after every major mass shooting and tragedy. Twitter celebrated msnbcs decision to cancel joy reid but it was fake news. The latest tweets from wowk 13 news at wowk13news.

Also follow at stormtracker13 at wowk13sports at wvtonight.

Nbc News Twitter Account Hacked Post Fake News Of 9 11

10 Hilarious Parody News Accounts On Twitter

How Twitter Bots Get People To Spread Fake News Science News


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